Kinetic Sculpture Club
This club is run by Lulu.
Thanks for the support from Daniel Rozin, David Rios & ITP floor.
It is a weekly club with various workshops and discussion
website link:
Club Spirit
We are not dumb mechanics. We are trying to bring the softness and tenderness in ourselves to those movements. Those engineers are admirable. (lulu)
Movement could bring a sculpture a second life. (lulu)
Physical movement and virtual movement is different. We love to play with the limitation of physical things. (lulu)
We love to play and observe motion. (lulu)
We acknowledge that the motion of matter is the basics of our world. (lulu)
Motion is honest, it can not lie (lulu)
The world moves, why shouldn’t art (Danny)
Movement is a form of capturing reality (Etienne Jules Marey / Aike)
Kinetic sculptures shape itself (Ziwei)
always break something (Angelo)
I don’t have a sentence but I have an idea (Stela, inspired by Suraj)
Kinetic impressionism. Capturing reality/ truth beyond visual realism via movement (Aike)
I think it’s great. (Viola)
A tool that we didn’t know we have.(Dave)
linkages change the way we vision our project.(Nick)
Whatever is not moving is liteless. (Xiao)
Bringing models to life is groovy. (Dave)
Everything can move, except me and you :) (coco, philosopher)
first meeting
We met on zoom due to a snowstorm! And we look at sculpture racing society together!
second meeting
We went to david rios office to see his work and also had a talk about kinetic art. Each of us would share a piece that interests us.
third meeting
linkages design workshop
fourth meeting
Fusion 360 assemble workshop round 1