Mountain on the Ridge of your Hand



This is a kinetic sculpture using 4 linear actuators to create the ridge of a mountain. When people come to the installation, it can sense the ridge of their knuckles, and therefore a mountain of their own would be formed.

Our firmness and gentleness can be told with clenched fists and open palms. In this way, the ridge of the hand can fluctuate hard or smoothly. Everybody has a mountain of their own movements. These can shape a mountain of human character.

Humans can be firm and gentle, and so can a mountain to be hard and soft. I want to metaphor a human being as a mountain. My character is in this mountain, and this mountain is me.




This piece of work is made by Arduino combined with p5js. It is individual work. It has been shown on the ITP winter show 2019.
To know more about the process of making, click the links: choosing materialfabrication of the recognizing stonehow to recognize the ridge of hand using p5jscomputation in Arduino to control linear actuator.


Fold Qingguo Alley